Multiple studies have shown that acupuncture can safely and successfully manage some of the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting, food aversions, extreme fatigue and anxiety.
Your body is suddenly producing vast quantities of hormones and it takes time for you to adjust. Acupuncture eases the transition. As pregnancy progresses, most of these will dampen down and many women experience a much easier second trimester. This is when you may feel more energy and more settled in your Mind Body and Spirit. Acupuncture is used to optimize blood flow to the Uterus, to release tension in the low back and to harmonize the flow of energy in the Kidney, Spleen and Liver channels. These are three of the main meridians that are involved in nourishing and maintaining a pregnancy.
During the third trimester, focus shifts slightly to preparing the body for labor and delivery. At this time, you may be feeling anxiety at the impending birth. If this is your first, then fear about how it will all unfold is super common and it’s important that you feel supported in your concerns. No question is off limits in this office! With a second or third baby, you may be more comfortable with the mechanics of labor but have more emotional concerns about managing siblings, your job, home and family life.
Wherever you are in your pregnancy journey acupuncture is safe, effective and has no negative side effects and has been recommended by The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) to manage pregnancy and labor pains.
How many treatments will I need?
Depending on where you are in your pregnancy journey, the number of treatments recommended will vary. If you are preparing for pregnancy then we recommend starting acupuncture a few months before to regulate periods, harmonize the reproductive organs and balance mental/emotional health. This optimizes your chances of conceiving. Similarly, if you are undergoing IVF/IUI we will work with your schedule and typically recommend starting acupuncture sooner rather than later. We can also schedule pre and post implantation treatments.
Typically, we see women weekly in the first trimester, twice weekly the second and then back to weekly in the third.
Can you induce labor if I’m past due?
We do not induce labor with acupuncture but we can prepare the body for labor by utilizing acupuncture points with strong ‘downward’ energy. These points are not used on pregnant women during regular acupuncture treatments.
What’s the Fourth Trimester?
Western medicine typically refers to pregnancy in three stages or trimesters ending in the birth itself but as acupuncturists we also understand the importance of the post partum period.
Typically, it’s six weeks after birth but from experience this can be much longer. Being a new mom is hard work; we can help with after-pains, lactation, stress incontinence, generalized muscle aches and pains, hormonal regulation, emotional regulation and any other issue that crops up.
If you are currently pregnant, trying for a baby or thinking about undergoing IVF or IUI then Cranford Acupuncture is an excellent option for you. We encourage you to contact the office for more information or to book your consult.